Articles and Reviews

The Art of Living in Otto Rank's Will Therapy-a description of Rank's creative approach to psychotherapy in The American Journal of Psychoanalysis.

Otto Rank 1884-1939 -a brief biography in the Encyclopedia of Creativity.

The Birth of Tragedy and the Trauma of Birth -an article about the anxiety of influence.

Otto Rank's Art -an article on Rank's theories about artists and creativity.

The Hero's Rankian Birth -review of The Myth of the Birth of the Hero.

Fred Martin's Art of Abstraction and Hermeticism -article about an artist's choice of imagery.

The Death of Art -review of a book by critic Donald Kuspit.

Wadlington, W. (2012) The art of living in Otto Rank's Will Therapy. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 72(4), 382-396.

© 2012, Palgrave-Macmillan. All rights reserved.

The Art of Living in Otto Rank's Will Therapy-a description of Rank's creative approach to psychotherapy in The American Journal of Psychoanalysis.